Towards A More Secure Spirituality
While we continually strive to keep the spiritual dimension of the success of life in perspective, we must always remind ourselves of the most practical ways to achieve the best that we can in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. The human mind tends to always want to set prerequisite standards for the achievement of anything, hence the common words like, “if only” and “they get all the breaks in life” etcetera, that we keep hearing from others and also from ourselves. This is a less than true attempt that we make in trying to bridge the split of personality that we suffer out of resisting situations that we find ourselves in, in comparison to where we presume we ought to be. This is insanity.
We are all individuals who are different total sums of our diverse life experiences, cultures, exposure and everything in between. If we are unhappy with our lot, then the total sum is wrong and requires to be changed. If we are experiencing external conflict and turmoil, then there is internal conflict and turmoil. I have come to appreciate and hold in high regard the following basic parameters that are important in helping us to reach a certain level of calm in our spiritual lives:
Without belaboring the power of surrender, please take a look at Surrender is Powerful.
Surrender says, “I am not contesting what is, indeed am working with what is, in order to move from where I am to a better place”. When we surrender to what is at this moment, we remove all opposition, all strife that blocks us from being able to find solutions to our circumstances is removed. By surrendering to the situation, we allow life energy to flow through us and thereby gain the benefit of mining our creativity and daily energy in order to move ourselves from the ruts that we find ourselves in.
Surrender accords us the opportunity to the following among other things;
- To examine our current situation without any prejudices, thereby coming up with the most qualified analysis of what we are going through.
- To make critical analysis of our situation without the misfortune of applying emotion to our thinking. Emotions easily give us biases when it comes to decision making.
- Surrender accepts the situation. It is important that we accept our situations as if they are what we wished upon ourselves. Before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed “…not my will but your will be done…” – He clearly expressed his wish to forego the suffering. But the important thing here was his acceptance of the impending death – he surrendered to it in order that he may be able to go through it, to achieve the higher good for mankind. I would imagine that the scenario would have been totally different if he had resisted his purpose on earth.
- Surrender also suggests that we are done with our current situation and are willing and ready enough to move on to the next thing. This is particularly important once we have learned the lesson or lessons from our current situation.
- Most importantly, surrender confirms that we fully understand that God has allowed the current situation in our lives and it is therefore an ingredient for our growth and not just a bad thing that is meant to torment us.
It is only when we are fully surrendered that we are able to deal with the next ingredient of our spiritual freedom
We cannot possibly give thanks if we are not surrendered to our situation. It is totally absurd to give thanks for a difficult situation or one that is making our very lives unbearable. Many know of the need to give thanks but are mistaken when they get the attitude that “God is punishing them” – how could they ever get themselves out of such a situation? Whether the situation that we are dealing with is positive or negative, we must always be able to arrive at a point where we rise above the situation in order that we may move on. In as much as we do not want to get stuck in a negative situation, in the same way, we do not wish to get stuck in our last success. Thanksgiving confirms that we have risen above the situation, paving the way for onward movement.
Thanksgiving confirms some very powerful scenarios;
- “Thy will be done” – we acknowledge God in our situation and more so appreciate and honor His wisdom in allowing us to fall into “diverse temptations” for which we must rejoice! This is a direct matter of trust in God.
- Thanksgiving is the door through which we walk out of our current situation in acceptance of the fact that we are indeed done with the situation at hand and are moving on.
- Thanksgiving deals with all emotions. Even when there may be a sense of regret in our spiritual practices, thanksgiving tends to be able to clear all doubt. As already discussed, this is a must if we are to be able to move on positively.
This then takes us to the next ingredient which not only works with particular situations but is the thing that we all need in order to be over comers in our overall life situation.
Change of Mindset.
Many suffer because they lack the simple knowledge that life and the Universe are about abundance and more abundance. Those who have acquired this mindset are in complete control of all that goes on in their lives. They may suffer lapses of this truth but they generally do not suffer lack of any kind spiritually, mentally or physically.
At whatever stage in our lives, we are bound to come to terms with the fact that almost always, it is our mind that stands between us and any meaningful progress or growth, regardless of whether our minds are influenced by external or internal forces. This is largely true, whether we are embarking on a small venture, or on one that is of a large magnitude. It is our mind that sends us to all the wrong people so that they can side with it, to try and convince us that our dreams are impossible to achieve. It is our mind that works so hard to try and convince us that everything is not perfect for us to embark on our dream or dreams. It is the same mind that creates the false personality (the ego), who feeds on perceptions and displaced attitudes, in total avoidance of the truth. We must therefore always yearn to transform our minds.
When we are able to accept the truth that we are about abundance, when we come to the realization that success and prosperity in all our being is a necessity and not a choice, then we are able to do among many other things;
- Pursue the idea seeds that are planted in us by God.
- Positively see our dreams and aspirations through, as we then pursue all that we need to pursue with the full knowledge that we will succeed.
- Generate enough passion for every activity that we get involved in. Most of the time the human being goes through life half-heartedly because he believes that it is all in vain or that success is far off and difficult.
- Pursue multiple activities, even if they are limited to; honouring God, building up our spouses and children, excelling in our jobs and being of good value to our communities and those around us. A good mindset gets us to do all this and more, comfortably.
- Honor and respect all other persons, seeing the good in people and being able to immediately forgive others in their weaknesses and shortcomings. Not celebrating those weaknesses and shortcomings but wishing the best for them and helping them along the way.
- Wish for honest measures and honest weights for all mankind, not exploiting others for our perceived “gains”.
- Most importantly, we are able to appreciate the truth that humankind suffers because of lack of knowledge and we are therefore always ready to help others by sharing whatever valuable lessons we have learned.
Although this may sound odd or even boring, the only way to enjoy the proposed spiritual freedom is by daily practicing what we learn. We are only as wise as the motion we put into knowledge.