Sunday, May 21, 2006

About This Blog

Anyone who has lived for a long time knows that navigating through life can be quite some work. Indeed, most know that many of the so called downs of life really occur out of wrong decision making or "making the wrong choices" as it were.

I started this blog, more as a personal journey to find out the best way to navigate the strange waters of life. This definitely came after the realisation that life really emanates from beyond the physical - as a matter of fact, I did find that the me that I always thought represented me, wasn't me at all. I have plenty of work to do in order to really mine the real me and effectively bring me out. I must confess that am an avid student of this subject but I must also point that I still have a long way to go.

In putting down my personal thoughts and some of the truths that I have come to discover, I do hope to share valuable lessons with anybody who passes by this blog and would actually appreciate any comments or insights since that is an integral part of learning.

Everybody has become my teacher and the world my school.

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